Location: 10627 US 71, Cheneyville, LA Phone: (318) 748-2673
Provider Services
The Best Care
Each client that comes into our Residential Treatment Program are provded a medical assessment by our Family Nurse Practictioner for any medical issues. They are also provide a psychiatric evalaution by our Pysch Nurse Practitioner. Client are provided medically necessary medications and when necessary referred for follow-up care once they complete treatment.
Our team of Nurses, lead by our Director of Nursing provide daily care, dispense medications and work with our providers to ensure a continuity of care. Edgefield believes that treatment should be holistic and treat the whole of a person.
Managing prescribed medications can be an effective tool when in early recovery, along with promoting sustained sobriety. Providers may work with the client in identifying a medication regimen that promotes stability and healthy outcomes.
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